
Monday, July 21, 2008


Good Morning SPEC fans,

There is a strange coolness wafting in the windows this morning early, in fact at one point the coolness slammed the door shut startling this reporter awake. It is a refreshing feeling, albeit short lived I’m afraid. But hey! celebrate the victories however small and fleeting.

Yesterday was the first full day at SPEC. After a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, tater tots and a cinnamon roll, we began to navigate the hectic schedule that is SPEC. (One could have also chosen a toaster waffle)

Our first daily SPEC TODAY class looked at someday is now……..so walk humbly. We break up, by delegation, into several smaller groups at different places on campus so there is more chance for discussion. Then each group instructor will find clever ways to divide again – ours was by birth month. Only three May’s yesterday. Lots of Decembers and Julys. We began to focus on a definition and characteristics of humility. We narrowed it down to the willingness to use your gifts and talents in service to God’s people without fanfare or the need for recognition. We said humble people are real, honest, meek (as opposed to weak). We were challenged to walk humbly during the day and watch for the same in others.

The next two hours the campers went to classes they selected with activities like wood burning, stone carving, frisbee (disc) golf, art, writing, creative cooking, and many others.

After a fine lunch of spaghetti w/ meat sauce (or without), or sloppy Joes, we headed to the softball field for a sound trouncing by a team that this reporter thinks will end up in a higher division after what’s called pool play. Each team places themselves in a pool of competition by perceived skill level by the delegation sports person. Of course this is always a guess. Play then commences and the first three days our win/loss record in our pool will determine who we actually play in competition for the last three days. Hopefully tournament play will then be with teams similar in skill level and more fair.

The afternoon proceeded through some basketball, soccer and volleyball, though the Rockies drew a bye in volleyball yesterday. We did however win our first quiz bowl (similar to the old College Bowl TV show for those of you old enough to remember) game with one of our two quiz bowl teams. It is always fun to see what the questions are and how much each group knows.

Supper didn’t look that good to your reporter (baked chicken or ravioli that looked like Chef Boyardee) so I went to the “cold lunch line” and had a couple chili dogs and a good salad with lots of “weeds”. That’s what I lovingly call the exotic lettuce and greens, which makes a great salad in this reporter’s definition.

After supper the all camp activity/entertainment was a comedy improv group that was pretty funny with lots of skits and audience participation. We settled into the dorms by eleven and had a short devotion here in our room before the campers went off to play themselves to sleep and the staff laundered and dried all the sweaty smelly shirts and tank tops so the kids will be clean and fresh smelling in class and on the fields and courts today.

Today we will look at the idea that Someday is Now………so be just.

So have a glorious day all, walk humbly and find ways to incorporate justice into your interactions in the communities in which you have impact today. As always see you in the am,

Your SPEC reporter,


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